Mom & Babes Group

Moms and BABES of New London offers support for your parenting journey and an opportunity to connect with moms like you in the New London area. Mothers supporting mothers makes for great families and communities. Gatherings are held at B.A.B.E.S of New London twice each month: 2 AND 4 WEDNESDAY, 9:30 am - 11:30 am.
There is lots of space and toys for toddlers and preschoolers to play. Comfy seating for moms and babies; breastfeeding welcomed and encouraged. Discussions focus on YOUR topics of interest. Take what you like and leave the rest behind; respect for individual choices is strongly encouraged. The discussions are facilitated by a Registered Dietitian and Lactation Consultant. A baby scale and lending library are available. Beverages and snacks are provided for your convenience. Join us!
There is lots of space and toys for toddlers and preschoolers to play. Comfy seating for moms and babies; breastfeeding welcomed and encouraged. Discussions focus on YOUR topics of interest. Take what you like and leave the rest behind; respect for individual choices is strongly encouraged. The discussions are facilitated by a Registered Dietitian and Lactation Consultant. A baby scale and lending library are available. Beverages and snacks are provided for your convenience. Join us!